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Protect Yourself from
Legionnaires’ Disease
Protect Yourself from Legionnaires’ Disease: The waterborne illness that continues to kill and harm
by Matthew R. Freije
Tens of thousands of people contract Legionnaires’ disease each year, 5-30% of whom die from it within a few days. You can get the disease while showering, brushing your teeth, drinking water, washing your face, or walking by a hot tub or decorative fountain. In this book, you’ll hear from survivors how horrible the disease is, and find out how to avoid it in public, in your job, and at home.
Legionnaires’ disease is not rare. People just think it’s rare because most of the cases occur one or two at a time, so the public doesn’t hear about them. And, according to the [US] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, over 90% of the cases are not detected at all.
In simple language, Legionella expert Matt Freije explains how to avoid the disease in public places–in hospitals, office buildings, and hotels–and how to reduce your risk in your job, at the dentist, and from various types of equipment like misters, cooling towers, decorative fountains, hot tubs, and whirlpool bathtubs.
The book starts with facts you need to know about Legionnaires’ disease: causes, symptoms, susceptibility, death rate, diagnosis, undetected cases.
Chapter two will make you realize just how horrible the disease is, and that it can affect anyone. This chapter is devoted to stories of people who have contracted Legionnaires’ disease or seen loved ones suffer from it. The stories are told in the survivors’ own words, about where the infection occurred and what it did to them or their family members.
The last chapter tells how to avoid the disease at home–what to do before moving in, after returning from a vacation, with guest baths, after plumbing work, if your water becomes discolored, and in new home design and construction. Advice is given about water heaters, softeners, filters, and humidifiers.
Quotes from Legionnaires' Survivors
“This book has all the answers and the [survivor stories] really hit home. This is a major disease that needed this type of resource. It’s been almost two years now and the one problem I still have is my memory; I am afraid that I will never get my memory back.” Steve Sederstrom, Legionnaires’ survivor
“An informative and valuable resource.” Mike Clinch, London, Legionnaires’ survivor
My Doctor didn’t recognise the symptoms for Legionella. It was only when I suggested to be tested that we discovered I had LD. Eight years later, I still suffer from memory and concentration issues. R. R., UK
I was just recently released from the hospital and nearly died from Legionnaires’. I have no idea how I got it. G. R., Amherst, NH
About the author
Matt Freije is president of HC Info in Seattle, WA. He is a consultant, author, and course instructor specializing in Legionella and other waterborne pathogens. He earned a BS in mechanical engineering from Purdue University and a post baccalaureate certificate in epidemiology and biostatistics from Drexel University. He also completed a water treatment certificate program at California State University, Sacramento, a graduate course in Microbiology at Montana State University, and is a Certified Water Specialist. He is a member of the American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE), International Water Association (IWA), Association of Water Technologists (AWT), and Water Quality Association (WQA). He is the author of several articles, a frequent guest speaker, and the editor of Legionella E-news, an international newsletter that covers outbreaks and new technology. Freije has been interviewed on radio and TV and by many newspapers and magazines. His book Legionellae Control in Health Care Facilities: A Guide for Minimizing Risk, an award finalist, has sold in more than 30 countries.