Published Reviews
“Mr. Freije’s approach to the subject is…that of the risk manager. He appears to have done his homework fairly thoroughly and gives thoughtful consideration to conflicting views. …It will be useful to hospital epidemiologists and infection control personnel needing an introduction to the topic, as well as to hospital management and engineering personnel.” Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology (July 1997), published by Slack Inc. for the Society for Healthcare Epidemiology of America. Reviewed by Robert R. Muder, MD.
“written for an international audience…present[s] a practical step-by-step approach to risk assessment and management that can be understood by both administrators and engineers.” The Medical Journal of Australia (20 Apr. 1998), published by the Australasian Medical Publishing Company Ltd. for the Australian Medical Association. Reviewed by A Scott Cameron, Dept. of Public Health, University of Adelaide, South Australia.
“Quite frankly, the approach and application of science in this text represents some of the best industrial (occupational) hygiene that I have ever seen in print! …Get this book if you have responsibility for occupational health in a hospital/healthcare facility or if you want to read and learn a true-to-life approach to the industrial hygiene triad of recognition, evaluation, and control. You won’t be sorry.” Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene (Dec 1996), Applied Industrial Hygiene, Inc., a subsidiary of the American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). Reviewed by Lawrence Stilwell Betts, MD, Ph.D., CIH; Oakland, Calif., USA
“This is an excellent reference book for any facility (healthcare or otherwise) that either is concerned about legionellae in its water systems or wants to establish a proactive program to reduce the risk of legionellae. The book provides enough information to permit the reader to develop his/her own program and, thus, is a valuable resource whether the program is developed in-house or by an outside consultant.” Professional Safety (July 1997), The American Society of Safety Engineers. Reviewed by Cherryl M. Crouch, CSP
“This book offers a practical, ‘Action-based’ approach to one of the more insidious problems that a health care facility could ever face. The information is presented in a clear and concise manner, and the book is easy to read and follow and has quite a few appropriate references for further reading. With a usefulness that goes beyond just health care facilities, the book is well worth reading. I recommend it.” Science Books & Films (Nov. 1996), American Association for the Advancement of Science. Reviewed by Zafar M. Iqbal, Toxicology-Cancer, TCCI, Chicago, USA.
“Matt has really tackled the thorny problem issues head on. …I like the book because it is very much a ‘what to do’ book. There’s no beating around the bush and it’s written in a very chatty style. Although written by an American, the book is well suited to the Australian scene. Implementing the safety recommendations in this book should greatly diminish the risk of disease.” AIRAH Journal, (Aug. 96), Australian Institute of Refrigeration Air Conditioning & Heating. Reviewed by Clive Broadbent, Weetangera, ACT, Australia
“…an easy read with well-defined topic areas. I would want to have a copy of this publication if I were involved in health and safety at a health care facility.” American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal ( May 1997). Reviewed by Edward L. Tapley, CIH, CSP, Salt Lake City, USA
“This is a very useful resource work for operating and maintenance staffs of health-care facilities and professionals designing the water and HVAC systems for such facilities.” CHOICE (Dec. 1996), Association of College and Research Libraries, A Division of the American Library Association. Reviewed by J. T. Pfeffer, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
“Legionellae Control in Health Care Facilities: A Guide for Minimizing Risk, is a must-read not only for health care facility directors and operators, but for engineers, architects and contractors involved in hospital projects. …The theme of the book is that of efficiency–how to minimize exposure and financial expenditure in a timely fashion. …All plumbing engineers involved in hospital projects should have access to a copy of this book.” ASPE Report (Jun 97), American Society of Plumbing Engineers. Reviewed by Timothy Allinson, PE
“…a lot of useful information in a compact and conveniently presented form.” SGM Quarterly (May 1997), Society for General Microbiology (UK). Reviewed by John V. Lee, Public Health Laboratory, Nottingham (UK)
“Shows how to evaluate risk at a particular facility, and offers step-by-step instructions on implementing risk reduction and preventive measures for domestic water systems and cooling towers, and on water sampling and disinfection procedures.” SciTech Book News (Sep.-Oct. 1996), Book News, Inc., Portland, Ore., USA
“…if, as an environmental professional, you are looking for a great manual focusing on controlling legionellae in your facility or your clients’ facilities, this is a very valuable book to have.” Environmental Choices (Spring 1997), Environmental Information Association, Bethesda, Md., USA. Reviewed by Nick Gannick and Pamela Harvey Hogue