Articles on Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens in Building Water Systems
March 2024: Kunz J, Lawinger H, Miko S, et al. Surveillance of Waterborne Disease Outbreaks Associated with Drinking Water– United States, 2015-2020. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 73(1), https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/73/ss/pdfs/ss7301a1-H.pdf. Of 214 outbreaks associated with drinking water 2015–2020, Legionella caused caused 97% of the hospitalizations and 98% of all deaths.
October 2023: Sinkevitch J, Paoline J, Smee A, et al. Notes from the Field: Mycobacterium abscessus Outbreak Related to Contaminated Water Among Ventilator-Dependent Residents of a Pediatric Facility- Pennsylvania, 2022. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 72(42); 1151-1152. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7242a5.htm?s_cid=mm7242a5_. Examination of a pediatric facility determines poor water quality and insufficient infection control practices likely caused Mycobacterium abscessus outbreak.
October 2023: Lipner E, French J, Mercaldo R. 2023. The risk of pulmonary NTM infections and water-quality constituents among persons with cystic fibrosis in the United States, 2010–2019. Environmental Epidemiology 7(5):p e266, October. https://journals.lww.com/environepidem/fulltext/2023/10000/the_risk_of_pulmonary_ntm_infections_and.2.aspx. Shows the odds of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) infections in cystic fibrosis patients increased with increasing concentrations of sulfate and vanadium in surface water.
August 2023: Cahill M, Jaworski M, Harcy V, et al. 2023. Cluster of Carbapenemase-Producing Carbapenem-Resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa Among Patients in an Adult Intensive Care Unit — Idaho, 2021–2022. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) 72(31); 844–846. https://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/72/wr/mm7231a2.htm. Highlights the importance of designing and maintaining hospital patient sinks to minimize Pseudomonas infections in patients.
June 2023: Swiderski D, Freije M. 2023. Water Management: Missed Opportunities to Promote Wellness, Save Energy and Protect Assets. Buildings. Water Management: Missed Opportunities to Promote Wellness, Save Energy and Protect Assets | Buildings.
January 2023: Joshi S, Richard R, Levya C, et al. 2023. Pinpointing drivers of widespread colonization of Legionella pneumophila in a green building: Roles of water softener system, expansion tank, and reduced occupancy. Frontiers in Water Volume 4. https://doi.org/10.3389/frwa.2022.966223. Highlights the importance of monitoring and having comprehensive Water Management Plans.
June 2022: “How Changes in Water Management Programs Could Present New Opportunities for Water Treaters” The Analyst.
March 2022: Variable Legionella Response to Building Occupancy Patterns and Precautionary Flushing. Microorganisms 10, 555
August 2021: Outbreak of Pseudomonas aeruginosa producing VIM carbapenemase in an intensive care unit and its termination by implementation of waterless patient care. Critical Care 25:301.
July 2017: “4 Ways to Cut Costs, Time and Risk in Water Management” McKnights Long-Term Care News (online)
January 2017: “6 Questions to Test Your Water Management Preparedness” Buildings (online)
February 2016: “9 Ways to Avoid Legionella” Buildings (online)
June 2015: “Unprecedented Agreement About Legionella Prevention: What Safety Professionals Need to Know” The Monitor (PDF)
June 2015: “What to know about ASHRAE 188P” PM Engineer (online)
June 2015: “Legionella: Where the USA is At” Plumbing Connection, Australia (PDF)
May 2015: “Legionella, Your Customers, and ASHRAE 188P” Air Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigerating News (online)
October 2014: “Hospital water and opportunities for infection prevention” Curr Infect Dis Rep (PDF)
October 2014: “A Look At ASHRAE’s Pending Legionella Standard 188P” Building Operating Management (online)
October 2013: “The fine print: Legionella and water temperatures go hand-in-hand” PM Engineer (PDF)
October 2012: “Legionella: Don’t Assume” ASHRAE Journal (PDF)
October 2012: “IH and Legionella: ASHRAE’s Pending Standard and Industrial Hygienists’ Potential Role” The Synergist (American Industrial Hygiene Association, PDF)
October 2012: “Tipping the Legionella Scales” PM Engineer (PDF)
August 2012: “How to Protect Against Legionella” Buildings (online)
July 2012: “Legionella, HACCP, and ASHRAE’s Pending Standard 188” Air Conditioning, Heating, & Refrigeration News (online)
May 2012: “What’s Proposed in the Legionella Standard” ASHRAE Journal (PDF)
March 2010: “The Latest on Legionella” PM Engineer (online)
Sept. 2009: “Some Waterborne Bacteria are Tough” Water Technology (online, page 26-27)
March 2009: “10 Ways Plumbing Engineers Can Prevent Legionnaires’ Disease” PM Engineer (online)
Aug. 2004: “A Management Plan for Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens” Occupational Hazards (online)
Jan. 2002: “Preventing Legionella in Home Plumbing Systems” Plumbing & Mechanical (online)
Jan. 2000: “Legionnaires’ disease: It has not gone away” Air Conditioning, Heating & Refrigerating News (online)